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QPR Gatekeeper
Trainer Certification Course

Becoming a certified trainer of QPR’s industry-leading approach to suicide prevention is an excellent way for individuals and organizations to help empower their communities to effectively intervene on behalf of suicidal and in-crisis people.

Gatekeeper Training Certification
  • 3-year Certification
  • 25 QPR classroom booklets and everything you’ll need to host your first training workshop

Must be 18 years or older to complete this course.

Get Training Certification for $595

Becoming a certified trainer of QPR’s industry-leading approach to suicide prevention is an excellent way for individuals and organizations to help empower their communities to effectively intervene on behalf of suicidal and in-crisis people.

Gatekeeper Training Certification
  • 3-year Certification
  • 12 Clock Hours/1 CEU
  • 25 QPR classroom booklets and everything you’ll need to host your first training workshop

Key Course Objectives & Content

  • Training participants to teach QPR Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention

  • Understanding the nature and range of suicidal communications

  • Knowing the groups at greatest risk of suicide and why QPR can work for them

  • Suicide and suicide prevention in history

  • Gatekeeper training; how, why and the research

  • New and promising approaches to suicide prevention

  • How QPR fits into national efforts

Learn at Home

We’ll send you everything you need to take the instructor training and then train your first 25 QPR Gatekeepers.

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Take a Workshop

We’ll place you in a workshop setting of local peers all learning to be instructors taught by a certified master trainer.

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Attend a live QPR hosted Virtual Instructor Certification Course.

We’ll notify you with soonest available class and required prerequisites.

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Complete Course Description

  • Course Description

    This certification course trains instructors to teach QPR for Suicide Prevention to their community.

    Participants first learn about the nature of suicidal communications, what forms these communications take and how they may be used as the stimulus for a QPR intervention. To gain perspective, participants are introduced to the history of suicide, suicide prevention and the spectrum of modern day public health suicide prevention education efforts. The history, background and research support for QPR are reviewed.

    Participants then learn to market QPR, target potential Gatekeepers, and how to teach the QPR curriculum.

    Participants also learn to deal with pent up audience demand to talk about suicide, survivor issues and how to make immediate interventions and referrals. Each participant has the opportunity for individual rehearsal and practice through role-plays.

  • Course Objectives
    • To understand the nature, range and importance of suicidal communications and their importance in preventing suicide.
    • To review and understand the groups at greatest risk of suicide and why QPR can work for them.
    • To train participants to teach QPR Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention.
    • To gain a historical perspective about suicide prevention and how QPR fits into national efforts.
    • To acquire specific knowledge about how audiences may respond to the QPR message and how to react in a helpful manner.
    • To learn how to effectively promote suicide prevention in their own communities.
    • To gain the competence and confidence to teach others how to save lives and help prevent suicidal behaviors.
  • Course Content
    • Suicide and suicide prevention in history
    • Gatekeeper training; how, why and the research
    • New and promising approaches to suicide prevention
    • Targeting prevention education efforts
    • Review of the QPR video
    • Teaching QPR
    • Facilitating role plays
    • Handling questions from audiences
    • National and local resources and how to use them
    • Expanding QPR to other community prevention efforts
    • Completion of training evaluations
    • Orientation to the national QPR network and QPR Institute
    • Awarding of three year Instructor Certificates
  • Included in Certification Program
    • A full-day training course
    • A QPR Instructor’s Manual
    • Detailed teaching information
    • QPR Instructor teaching materials include
      • Print and online pre/post training surveys
      • QPR introductory videos
      • PowerPoint slides for the core QPR Gatekeeper training
      • Suicidal communications vignettes
      • Suicide statistics
    • 25 QPR booklets and QPR wallet cards for your training students
    • A Continuously updated Tool kit with information on issues related to suicide
    • A copy of Tender Leaves of Hope booklet
    • Two of Dr. Paul Quinnett’s books:
      • Suicide: The Forever Decision
      • Counseling Suicidal People: A Therapy of Hope
    • Access to the Intitute's toll free number for consultations on QPR training.
    • Periodic emails and brief Powerpoint presentations