Privacy Policy for QPR

Information Collection

We collect personal information when you register on our site, including your name and email address. This information is necessary to provide you with login details and a certificate of completion upon finishing a course. Optionally, you may provide additional demographic information such as age, gender, occupation, and the highest level of education in our training surveys, but this is not mandatory.

Data Usage

The primary use of your data is to facilitate your participation in our courses. This includes managing your progress, sending notifications related to your account activities like course enrollment, completion, and issuing certificates. We also analyze aggregate, non-identifying data to improve our offerings and report on training effectiveness, without revealing any personal details.

Data Sharing and Disclosure

Your personal data is accessible only to our staff and, under certain agreements, the organizations sponsoring your training. We do not sell or share your information with third parties for commercial purposes. Any shared data with sponsors is strictly for facilitating the training and its related administrative functions.

Data Security

All collected data is stored securely. Personal identifiers are kept separate from survey and course progress data to safeguard your privacy. Our databases are hosted in a secure environment protected from unauthorized access.

Access to Your Information

You have the right to review and update any personal information stored in our systems. If you wish to access or correct your data, please contact our support team.

Changes to This Policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. Updates will be posted on this page, and we encourage you to review our policy periodically.

Online QPR Gatekeeper Training Data Privacy Policy

What information do we collect?

You will be asked to provide your name and email address. This information is required in order to receive your login details and certificate of completion.

We also collect information on age, gender, occupation and highest level of education in the training survey. You DO NOT have to provide this information if you do not wish to.

Additionally, before and after the training, you will be asked a series of questions about your knowledge of suicide and what you would do if you thought someone might be experiencing thoughts of suicide.

Who has access to the data?

The data is accessible to the QPR Institute.

Where QPR has made arrangements with the purchasing organization to provide QPR training, that data may also be available to the purchasing organization.

What will you do with the data?

The data is used to allow users to complete one or many training courses, store and resume progress within a course, and deliver important notifications regarding their training experience such as account creation, course enrollment, course completion, course certificate, etc.

QPR does not and will not sell or share your data with third parties.

The QPR Institute may report on aggregate, non-identifying data and the number of people who have completed training and their region. No other information will be reported.

Where is the information stored?

All demographic, survey and quiz data is stored in a secure and separate database which does not contain any identifying information. Identifying data is logically separated within the training application database. The training application database is secured within a virtual private cloud that is not publicly accessible can only be accessed by the application.